How To Prevent Running Injuries

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Dubai sports therapist Victoria Roper says how you can prevent and deal with the most common injuries that can put your training on hold



What is it? This is basically the irritation of the Achilles tendon and the sheath surrounding it. The tendon joins the calf muscle to the heel bone. People will usually complain of pain around the heel and in the tendon itself. It will often feel worse and stiffer in the morning and is aggravated by running.

What’s the cause? The jury is still out on what causes this inflammation, however most popular conclusions include increase in training or frequency of training, change of shoes, over use, lack of stretching and therefore flexibility of the surrounding fascia (fibrous tissue) and muscles. Some studies also suggest genetics, diet, kidney and liver function may play a role, however further research needs to be done.

How do you treat it? Treatment will often consist of massage therapy and ultrasound from your physical therapist and then home exercises, stretches and repetitive icing should also be followed. Some patients end up taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to break the pain cycle if physical therapy alone does not reduce the pain.



What is it? This is an umbrella term for any pain occurring in the area from the foot up to the knee in the front of the lower leg.
What’s the cause? Most often it is an irritation of the fascia or periosteum (fibrous sheath lining the bone) occurring on the outside of the tibia. This can be extremely painful all the time, aggravated again by running.
How do you treat it? A physical therapist can help you again by deep tissue massage techniques in order to release the tightness in the fascia. If pain allows A.R.T. (active release techniques) can be very helpful, where the therapist works deeply into the muscle as the patient is actively contracting it. Ice and ultrasound therapy work well along with stretching and modified exercise.



What is it? Your knees can get puffy and flare up from time to time and can be very painful and stop you from training.

What’s the cause? There can be many reasons for this, imbalance in the knee, resulting in patella maltracking, infection, increased weight, meaning increase impact through the joints. Swelling often occurs in new runners or people whom are just getting back into the sport after a long break.

How do you treat it? The usual rest, ice, compression and elevation protocol can be used to help. If the swelling keeps occurring after 10 days of so, have it checked by your doctor or physical therapist. They will be able to get to the bottom of why this is happening and help you to overcome it.


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Victoria Roper is a sports therapist in Dubai. Follow her at


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