15 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Day
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Don’t let your day be a washout. Check out these fun tips from www.movenourishbelieve.com to make sure each day is a mini PB
1 Kick start your metabolism with a morning workout and nourishing breakfast.
2 Smile for instant beauty.
3 Start doing something you’ve been talking about.
4 Stretch daily.
5 Fill your life with music that lifts your spirits.
6 Appreciate the little things.
7 Surround yourself with people who inspire you.
8 Dream big, challenge yourself, then go out and get it!
9 Sometimes, just sometimes, let shopping be your cardio.
10 Listen to others but don’t lose your own voice.
11 Remember your body is two-thirds water so drink lots of it!
12 Take five minutes each day to reflect and recalibrate.
13 Sneak extra nutrients into your smoothie with a handful of something green.
14 Remember tomorrow’s a new day so get a good night’s sleep.
15 Be yourself, there is only one of you – and she’s amazing.
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