Healthy Makeover: Buckwheat Tabouleh

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Give your favourite Arabic dish a healthy twist by using buckwheat, says Chef Gabi from Talise Fitness. This gluten-free grain is high dietary fibre and eight essential amino acids


50g buckwheat
150g broccoli and 150g cauliflower
150g mango
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small chili
½ vanilla pod
1 lime for juice
Cress for garnish

Toast the buckwheat slightly in the oven.
Wash the broccoli and cauliflower and shred them.
Peel the mango and dice it.
Deseed the chili and chop it.
Mix all the ingredients and season with lime juice, salt and vanilla. Top with cress.

Chef Gabi buckwheat tabouleh 50

For more recipes from Chef Gabi visit


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