5 Facebook Worthy Marathons

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If the thought of scoring a PB doesn’t encourage you to sign up to a marathon, maybe these races will

The Big Five Marathon
If you want to score a PB, the thought of becoming someone’s lunch might do it.
This spectacular marathon takes place in the South Africa’s Entabeni Game Reserve, which is home to elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion and leopard. Race entry costs EUR190 and accommodation from EUR1,275 for five nights. Visit big-five-marathon.com

Polar Circle Marathon
Called the Coolest Marathon In The World
, this 42.5km race in Greenland, takes place in October. If the jaw-dropping scenery doesn’t excite you, the fact that they serve soup enroute will! From EUR1665 for accommodation and race entry. See polar-circle-marathon.com

Everest Marathon
Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the Highest Marathon in The World
, you will be pleased to know this is a downhill race. You start close to Everest Base Camp at 5,184 metres and finish at a Sherpa town at 3,446 metres. Preparation for the run includes a 26-day acclimatization holiday and a 15-day trek to the start of race – yes, there’s a reason why only 75 people take part each year. See everestmarathon.org.uk.

Dead Sea Marathon
This is one race where you’re guaranteed a spa treatment at the end
. The race takes you from the capital, across the biblical landscape, to the mineral-rich water of the Dead Sea. The race includes a 10km, 42.5K and a 50km ultramarathon. Registration fees USD110. The Dead Sea race takes place in April. Visit deadseamarathon.com.

The Great Wall Marathon
Ditch that treadmill and stride along one of the Seven Wonders Of The World.
The Great Wall Marathon takes place in May and competitors fly from all over the world to race up the 5,164 steps to claim a medal. A six-day package costs around USD1,250 including accommodation and race entry. See great-wall-marathon.com

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