Hugh Jackman’s Workout Tested

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Hugh Jackman’s favourite workout is now in Singapore. The F45 blends a HIIT workout (high intensity interval training) with motivational TV screens. Nutritionist Dominique Rauber-Musey went to find out why it’s now the fastest-growing workout on Earth 



The Studio

Tucked away in the basement of one of the shophouses in Amoy Street, you’ll find this innovative new gym. With wall-to-wall rowing machines, weights and bikes you know you are going to break a sweat. Like a few boutique gyms it is tight on space, so in full classes you need to be careful not to get hit by a burpee-performing teammate. There are changing rooms and showers but you need to bring your own fluffy towels.


The Workout

I knew that I would be working out for 45 minutes, but I didn’t know what that would involve. But as soon as I walked into the studio and saw the TV screens by each workout station, I soon got up to speed. Initially I wasn’t sure about the ‘TV guy’ and his demos at each station, but once I started lifting the weights, jumping on boxes, swinging those kettlebells and hitting the battle ropes, I was glad that the TV guy was around.

The website promises “a new workout everyday”. It seems to be a grand claim, but it’s a promise they manage to keep.With more than 1,000 different exercises used in 16 different workouts I soon realised that I would be challenged in every single session. The workout takes place over a course of stations. You work out each station for  20 to 55 seconds until you get a break. You usually buddy up with someone, which helps push you to the max. You can workout at different levels, but you’re there to help spur each other on. For me this is one of the biggest plus points for F45. You have a sweat partner, but you don’t need to worry if you don’t have the same fitness levels.


The Coaches

Even though the TV Guy does the demo, there are always two coaches present in the gym. They give instructions at the beginning and make sure you’re doing the exercises correctly. They will encourage you to do your best and they seem to have the gift of making you achieve more reps than you thought possible.


Bonus Challenge 

Four times a year, every member of the F45 studio has the chance to take their fitness to a whole new level. You sign up for an Eight Week Challenge, which encourages you to commit to your own defined workout schedule. There is even a specific app, where you’ll get meal plans as well as nutrition tips. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end you do a body scan to measure your body fat percentage and muscle mass development. This is a great way to commit to your fitness goals and stay focused. However, in my opinion the meal plan is difficult to follow, as it’s not individualized. If you don’t like certain food or are allergic to it, you won’t get any alternatives. Additionally the recommended calories are rather on the lower side, especially for taller European people 1,300kcal (for women) and 1,900kcal (for men) is just not enough. But it gives some good ideas for healthy snacking and where to get your protein.



  • You’re short on time and want to boost your strength and cardio now.
  • You’d like some help mixing up your workout.
  • You can’t blow the budget on a personal trainer, but would like someone to check your technique.



After the two-week trial I was definitely hooked. The workouts are challenging and during each session you’ll discover a new exercise. Those 45 minutes pass by so quickly and the team dynamic is highly motivating.


Click here for your nearest F45 studio.


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