3 Move Workout
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Short on time? Well, don’t worry. Just check out this three-move routine by PT Reyhana Sallie. Yes, we did just say “three moves”…
#1 THE SHOULDER PRESS Clean the bar to the ‘racked position’. This means the bar sits on the shoulders with the grip slightly wider than shoulders. The elbows are below and slightly in front of the bar, keeping your wrist and elbow at a right angle to the floor. Stance is shoulder-width apart and head is tilted slightly back. Drive the bar overhead, without any momentum generated from your legs. When the bar is safely and directly overhead, lock your shoulders and elbows out, push your head forward and through your arms, engage your core and bring the bar back into the reset position. SWEAT IT: Do 5-8 reps and 3 sets.
Start as before with the bar resting on your shoulders behind your neck with your hands just outside of your shoulders, gripping the bar lightly. From standing, slowly lower yourself into a squat, maintaining a straight lower back and facing forward. Focus on tightening your core while at the bottom of the squat. In a squat position while the bar rests on your shoulders, drive in an upward movement with the bar by directing all your weight onto your heels and ensuring your head and chest is upright. The movement will be completed when your hips are open and your knees are fully extended, then return to squat.
SWEAT IT: Do 10 reps and 3 sets.
Hold the jump rope and prepare to jump from underneath it as you bring it over your head. Then quickly flick the jump rope to pass underneath your feet twice before you land. To nail this move you need to realize that this movement is as much about your wrists as your feet, so make sure they’re coordinated.
SWEAT IT: Repeat this movement for 20 jumps and complete 3 rounds.
Trainer Reyhana Sallie www.facebook.com/reyhana.sallie. Photographer Mario Guarneros (http://www.facebook.com/MarioGuarnerosPhotography) Shot on location at Evolve Gym(http://www.facebook.com/EvolveUAE?fref=ts). Make Up: Nancy Maglunob (nanz.maglunob@yahoo.com). Clothing Lorna Jane Dubai (http://www.facebook.com/LornaJaneDubai?fref=ts)
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