Fitness Trackers You’ll Love
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If you can’t afford a PT on a regular basis, snap up a fitness tracker. These slick gadgets will encourage you to get off the couch and reach your goal – and they won’t beast you when they register that you had a Snickers Bar at 4pm either…
Fitbit Flex
After being close to sending our Fitbit One around the washing machine on many occasion, we were pleased to see that the Fitbit Flex is a tracker that you can slip on your wrist. The Fitbit Flex – like the One – monitors you day and night, so you can see how well you’ve slept, how many steps you have taken and how close you are to your fitness goal.
Jawbone Up
This rubberized band was in the press recently for being the go-to gadget for noneother than Gwyneth Paltrow. The supermum says that this piece of sleek bracelet is what kickstarts her into action. It tracks you using a GPS, vibrates when you’ve been sat down too long, and with the help of the iPhone app that zaps your shopping, it even counts how many calories you’ve consumed during the day.
Nike + FuelBand
Constant updates will have you leaving your car behind and walking to your meeting to make sure you reach your daily goal. It’s as addictive as chocolate, but without the calories. The Bluetooth connection means that you can also compete with other FuelBand owning friends. Now who isn’t up for a little friendly competition?
Around USD190, from good sports stores.
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