Fitness Trends For 2014

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Want to know what the hottest trends are in the fitness world for 2014? Read on…



Brain Workouts

The legendary Asia Fitness Convention revealed that a workout will need to do more than burn calories in 2014 – you will need to work your brain. So whether you are bouncing a ball when you wall or crossing a balance beam, it not only reduces the chance of physical degeneration, but brain degeneration too. ‘Our brains can repair themselves if we keep our bodies moving. From an evolutionary perspective, exercise tricks the brain into trying to maintain itself for survival despite the hormonal cues that it is aging,” says ACE Personal Trainer of the Year Jonathan Ross of



Futuristic Treadmills

You may be stepping it up at the gym this month, but the fitness companies are stepping it up too with the kit that they’re getting ready to provide for you. Technogym has joined with Google to launch the first Google Glass controlled treadmill this month. You interact with the treadmill using Google glasses and you get feedback on your training via your specs. Virtuix is also launching the Omni in March, which is half treadmill, half Gameboy. It will log every step, jump and pivot that you make as you run across different landscapes.



Stand Out Kit

If you want to look hot in the gym in 2014, you need to rock a print. Stripes, coloured camo, graphics… block colour is so last year.



Steamlined Fitness

Bootcamps are getting a makeover. No longer are we said to be working with a one-size fits all approach. The trend for 2014 is that people still get to work out with their friends, but they will now train with people at their own level. Beginners will work out together and advanced will work out together so that everyone can cope with what’s thrown at them.


High Intensity Interval Training

Like CrossFit was the workout of choice in 2013, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is getting its moment in the sun in 2014. The American College of Sports Medicine put it at the top of its Now Trending: Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2014. HIIT, which involves short bursts of activity followed by a short period of rest or recovery, jumps to the top of this year’s list. These exercise programmes are usually performed in less than 30 minutes.





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