The Curvy Girl Workout

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GloryGirls Fitness owner Nadine Du Toit shows you how to tone up without losing your hourglass shape


How It Works

Do as many rounds as you can for 30 minutes.



Bench Jump Overs

Stand by the side of a bench then take hold of the top of the bench with both hands. While holding on to the bench, jump over with both feet in one smooth movement. Land on the other side of the bench on your toes and keep your knees bent. Immediately jump back over to the starting position.

Sweat It! Do 20 on each side.

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Step Up With Leg Side Raise

Stand in front of a bench or box. Step up onto the bench with one foot and when you are in a fully stable and upright position, raise your other leg horizontal to the ground in a side raise. Complete total reps on one leg first before changing to the other leg for step ups.

Sweat It! Do 20 on each side



Toe Taps On Bench

Stand in front of a bench, box or step (depending on your skill level). In an exaggerated high knee running style, tap your right foot on the topside of the bench and then immediately tap the left foot on the top side of the bench. Continue these fast-paced toe taps for required reps.

Sweat It! Do 40 in total

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Side Step Over Burpee

Perform a burpee next to a flat bench. Step up and over the bench to the other side and perform another burpee.

Sweat It! Do 10 on each side


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Plank Step Over

Start in an elevated plank, with your hands planted on the floor and your feet on top of the narrow side of a flat bench or chair. Keep your hands in the same spot and step your feet down to the floor on the side of the bench. Keeping your hands in the same spot, walk your feet over the bench to the other side and repeat for required reps.
Sweat It! Do 15 on each side




Trainer Nadine Du Toit ( Photography IBP. Make-up Inglot ( Clothing Lorna Jane Dubai ( Location Evolve (



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