Two Weeks To Target

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Laura calmed down her social diary so she could stay focused

AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 179cm


“After twinging my neck last week, I took my workouts down a notch. I still hit the gym, but concentrated on lower body exercises. I also calmed down the social activities for the week too. Our friends invite us to lots of social engagements, but when you go to these parties, there is always food. I didn’t want to put myself in the way of temptation, so I told my husband that we needed to have a really quiet week. I have three weeks to get under 80kg. As my weigh in day approached I was really excited to see what it would say on the scale. Everything felt as if it was going really well – I had got some good workouts in and all my meals had been planned. However, when I stepped on the scale I was disappointed to see that it hadn’t dropped as low as I thought it would – I came in at 83.1kg. At first I felt a little despondent, but then I snapped myself out of it by reminding myself that this is the least I’ve weighed in a very long time and I’m making good positive changes.”

WEIGHT NOW: 83.1kg


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